Hey everyone! I’m really excited for this week’s DIY Geeky Goodies because we’re going to be making SUPER MARIO wall art
Thanks to everyone who requested this!
Some of the items you will need:
1/4-inch wooden cubes
Black, Red, and Burnt Sienna acrylic paint
A small to medium brush
Gorilla Glue (wood glue)
And optionally, some acrylic varnish to add some sheen to our wall decor
Pull up a reference image of Super Mario – after some painting and gluing you’ll have this!
Add some varnish, and you’ll have our end result
The varnish really adds a nice quality to this piece! I hope you all enjoy it and if you try it, I’d love to see it! You can tweet me an image at @ihascupquake
Thanks for watching!
The post Super Mario Wall Art appeared first on iHasCupquake.