Hey Everyone! Last week, I asked you guys what I should make for this week’s DIY Geeky Goodies and a lot of you suggested this Super Mario Star Tree Topper!
Let’s get started
We will need:
Yellow paper (glitter coated optional) and a star template cut-out
Some coil to put the star on the tree
And a ruler, an Exacto blade, a cutting mat
First, we will crease the star on both sides. Once that is done, we will stuff the star with some tissue
Next, lets glue some piping on the sides to close them
Glue the coil to the bottom of the star
And finally, add our eyes!
These came out amazing
Personally, I like the side with the crystal eyes than the side with white ovals for eyes
Hope you enjoyed it! If you try this DIY GG, be sure to tweet me an image at @ihascupquake !
The post Super Mario Star Tree Topper appeared first on iHasCupquake.