Hey everyone! Christmas comes early this year! I asked our Facebook group if they would mind if we started our Christmas DIY GGs early and you guys gave me the green light
Our first Christmas DIY GG is a Minecraft Tnt Christmas Ornament
We’ll need several items:
A square ornament (available at virtually any arts and crafts store like Micheals)
A sharpie and a white elastic wrap (or equivalent)
Tacky glue for the white wrap
Black thread to hang our ornament!
Also, we’ll need some red, white, brown and black acrylic paint, paintbrush and pencil
After painting a primer on the ornament with gesso, we’ll apply a coat of red acrylic paint
Next, we’ll paint some vertical darker red stripes
Paint some gray squares on the top of our ornament
And finally, write TNT on our wrap and glue it on the center of the ornament
Yay! These came out awesome and would be a great addition to any tree
Be sure to tweet me an image at @ihascupquake if you try it!
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