I know I’ve said it multiple times but I really do love the fan art and photos that gets sent my way. You guys are so awesomely creative and expressive and I’m forever grateful when people share their creative expressions with me. I encourage everyone to keep pursuing your passions and your talents.
I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and I came across a few posts that I thought deserved to be shared, so I’m going to do that right here.
The following is a random selection of fan posts that caught my attention recently, including a sushi cake!!! (Not exactly what it sounds like. lol) Scroll down and enjoy!
Sylvia shared this adorable picture of her twins, Michelle & Myranda, sporting their lovely new backpacks. Adorable!
Nancy shared this sweet crayon drawing that her granddaughter drew of Mario and I, and said she watches us every night! Awww. Thank you!
Alicia shared her first fan art of me and said she’s still working on Mario’s because boys are hard to draw! Haha. So true. Thank you, Alicia!
And last but definitely not least, Mimi shared this AMAZING picture of a birthday cake that she made for her daughter inspired by my Sushi Cat Quake ‘n Bake video! This cake looks sooo good. I’m very impressed. Nice work, Mimi!
The post Sharing Recent Fan Art & Photos appeared first on iHasCupquake.