Hey Everyone! For this episode of QnB, I really wanted to make something Narwhal related because I they’re so cute! We’re going to be making them almost the same way we approach cake pops. So let’s get started!
Before our first step, make sure to have some crumbled cake ready
Let’s add and mix in some brown frosting. Mix well!
Mix some more
Now we’re going to start on the Narwhal’s body. I have found that the best way to do this is make a ball and then add some to the tip – basically, we’re making a teardrop for his body. Chill in the fridge after shaping the bodies
As some of you may know, Narwhal’s have a “unicorn horn” but it’s really an overgrown tooth! We’re going to making two kinds of horns: one made out of sugar cones (just the end piece) and a piece of a cake pop stick
I’m using white candy melts for the Narwhal’s body color so let’s start melting them
Mmmm, creamy!!
Let’s start on the Narwhal’s tail. Get some candy melts and cut out the center portion. The two left over pieces form his tail
For the cake pops using the cake stick, begin by dipping the stick in the melt chocolate and insert into the head area
Do this for all of them (or the amount you choose to do this method)
Now dip the whole body using the cake stick. Once it dries for over a minute and hardens slightly, put the tail on
They should look something like this
For the Narwhal’s using the sugar cone horn or tooth, remove the cake stick and pour some melted pink candy melt using a spoon.
After the pink chocolate hardens (1 minute), add your cone
To be playful, add some sprinkles!
Finally, add the face using black icing with a no.2 tip
These came out adorable! If you try this, tweet me an image or post a picture on our facebook page!
Thanks for watching
The post Narwhal Cake Pops – Quake N Bake appeared first on iHasCupquake.