Hey Everyone! I’ve been wanting to customize/paint some tennis shoes for a while and I thought who else to be my first guinea than Lady Rainicorn :]
This is what you’ll need:
Various acrylic paints
Brushes and a pencil
Water in a container (to clean your brushes)
A thin tipped permanent marker
And white canvas shoes
The first thing you want to do is remove the shoelaces. Before we begin to paint, you’ll want to put some newspaper underneath the shoes so you don’t get any paint on the table/surface. Let’s start sketching with a pencil
Brush a fair amount of water onto your shoes so that blending will be a breeze
Let’s start painting! We’ll begin by mixing and painting a light turquoise towards the front of the shoe
Use ultramarine blue for the center panel and use more paint than water as you head towards the back panel
The back panel is going to be our darkest color (phthalo blue). Using a lot of water, paint some of this dark blue on the top panel to simulate orbital space
Now let’s add some clouds to our center panel by painting with white acrylic paint. After applying the pure paint, you can add more water to it to blend
Before you begin this next step, make sure your shoes are fairly dry to prevent the paint from seeping elsewhere. Follow your pencil sketch/design and paint lady rainicorn accordingly
I’m also painting a rainbow towards the back of the shoe to make it seem as if her body is continuing
Let your shoes dry overnight before proceeding to outline lady rainicorn with our permanent marker.
Now you can relace your shoes
My first pair of customized shoes and I loooooooove the way they came out! If you decide to try this, tweet me an image at @ihascupquake
Thanks for watching!
The post Lady Rainicorn Shoes appeared first on iHasCupquake.