Hey Everyone! This week’s Quake N Bake is going to be a little bit different, in that, it’s the first QnB to focus on an app game! And it’s none other than Cut The Rope, an awesome physics-based puzzle game where the main object of the game is to get a piece of candy into a monster’s mouth.
Let’s get started!
You’ll want some cupcakes already pre-made along with some mini donuts (either bought or baked on your own)
First, apply some white frosting onto the tops of the cupcakes
Apply the mini donuts on top where the frosting lies. For the open mouth technique, cut the donut in half and place over the frosting
Mix our monster’s body color by adding green gel dye and a small amount of yellow to get our desired color. Mix well
Let’s ice some cupcakes!
Add some green sprinkles to add another layer of decoration
We’re going to be using large and small marshmallows to decorate our cupcakes
Cut a large marshmallow into fourths and cut a tip on one of the slices to combine two slices for a pair of eyes
Place on top of cupcake
Melt some chocolate morsels and pipe a small amount onto the eyes. Place solid morsels for the pupils
Squeeze and cut a slice of marshmallow in half twice to make the teeth
Place the teeth and we’ll pipe the mouth using black icing
Use red icing on the open mouth cupcake for the tongue and use a toothpick to spread the icing evenly
Use black icing for the inside of the mouth and place four teeth above
Use an edible marker on spree candies to form the candy from Cut The Rope.
Get some laffy taffy, roll and bend to form our little monster’s horn
We’re all done! I love how awesome these came out! If you decide to try this, tweet me an image at @ihascupquake
Thanks for watching!
The post Cut The Rope Cupcakes appeared first on iHasCupquake.