Let’s face it, the entire month of October is a build-up to Halloween! It’s a holiday that combines candy, costumes, and being a little creeped-out. It’s great! And I couldn’t let this month pass without doing as many Halloween themed things as possible.
So with help from MamaQuake I’m happy to present to you our iHas Halloween puzzle. I hope you enjoy! Stare into our creepy little graveyard and see if you can find everything that’s hidden there.
iHas 13 sweet candy canes to consume in a hurry.
iHas 4 Christmas trees with no gifts underneath,
and iHas 4 nutcrackers, and only 1 wreath.
But it’s still October and I have no cider,
but iHas 1 green, 3 purple, and 5 black spiders.
iHas 3 ghosts that don’t quite look like the rest of the dead,
1 piece of candy corn, and Frankenstein’s head.
iHas an iHasCupquake pin, Santa, and a BOO,
iHas a toothbrush and 14 skulls too.
iHas a skeleton key, a cauldron, and a witch’s hat,
9 assorted pumpkins, and 3 ominous bats.
iHas all of these things hidden in plain sight