Hey everyone! My love for Minecraft has been rekindled so what better way to show that love then making Minecraft Hats for my Pets! I'm going to walk you through on how to create one of these adorable pet hats! Let's get started <3
Felt colors: Dark Brown, Light Brown, White, Gray, Black, Red and Green.
Black fabric marker
A pencil
Card stock
Sewing materials or a hot glue gun
Adhesive circles/tape
Optional: Black ribbon
First, you'll want to cut 2 pieces of these larger felt shapes. They are included in Template #2 at the bottom. They will serve as the head straps for the hat.
Cut 3 squares of felt for the cube portion of the hat
Cut 5 square pieces of card stock
Make a rectangle for the TNT text
Use fabric markers to write "TNT" on your felt
Using Iron-On adhesive, stick the TNT felt onto your red felt squares
Hand sew all the pieces together at the seams to form the cube hat! I used a blanket stitch but you could also hot glue all the pieces together.
Lastly, we'll put on the top piece! Before that, adhere the square card stock pieces within the hat to give it a more definite cube appearance.
Bonus step: Glue some square felt pieces on top, followed by a black ribbon to give the appearance of a fuse!
*Step for Forming the chicken beak for the Minecraft Chicken Hat*
Use Template #1 to find the chicken beak shape. Cut the felt beak shape and cut/score the portions indicating on the template. Glue the corners together to form a three dimensional shape. Glue the brown felt onto card stock.
Cut a lighter shape of brown for the 2nd portion of the beak and glue down onto the dark brown felt.
Glue the beak onto the white chicken hat. Cut 2 black square for eyes and a red rectangle for the mouth. Proceed to glue those pieces onto the hat.
Here are some templates so you can follow along this DIY :)
Template 1 - http://bit.ly/iHC-MCHat-1
Template 2 - http://bit.ly/iHC-MCHat-2
Thanks and I hope you enjoyed this DIY! Feel free to send me your creations!
Tweet me @ihascupquake or use the hashtag #ihasgoodies on Instagram @Tiffyquake
Hi Tiff! I’m Chloe (by the way, it’s my b-day today, I’m 11 :3), I watch all your videos and subscribed! I saved your video about the Mr. Midnight craft and I just now had time for it. So I went on your website and looked up Mr. Midnight because in the video you said that you had cutouts at your site. But when I went and searched up and it said that it can’t find anything on that…so….are you still selling them and if not, can you sell it again? Thanks!