Ruby’s bark is worse than her bite, which makes her the perfect little Bowser. And of course I’m Princess Peach, because Ruby captured me in a castle of her love—I know, it’s cheesy. Haha!
This is another cute costume idea for you and your pet. These costumes took a little bit of work but were still relatively easy to execute once we had all of the pieces.
I have been having a lot of fun throwing these costumes together with help from MamaQuake. I hope these videos are entertaining and insightful. There’s a lot you can do for a Halloween costume with some imagination and a little bit of work. You don’t have to be limited to what you find at the costume store.
Check out the video and let me know some of your cute costume ideas!
Download: Bowser Costume Template
The post DIY Bowser & Peach Costume appeared first on iHasCupquake.