Today I wanted to make a creeper ornament but I decided to take a different approach instead of painting the whole thing green. I really wanted it to sparkle and shine so I decided to use glitter!
How its done…
Your first going to need a square, plastic ornament. I purchased mine at Michael’s
Grab some pledge….yes PLEDGE and pour some into your ornament.
Once its inside shake the ornament around and make sure all edges of the ornament are covered. Empty the excess Pledge back into its bottle. You can also use ink or Windex for this step.
The grab some glitter! I am using 2 different greens for this ornament.
Pour some glitter in the ornament, cover the top with a tissue paper and shake the ornament so the glitter covers the inside! If you need more glitter, simply just add more! Empty the excess glitter on a plate so you can re use it for other projects!
Place the cap back onto the ornament. Your now ready to paint on the creepers face! I am using acrylic paint, but you can also use a black sharpie
Once you finish painting you are now done!! I hope this tutorial was helpful! If you need more help I have also created a video tutorial below!!!
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