I was so happy that you all enjoyed the debut of “iHas” back in spring, so I couldn’t miss out on putting one together for the summertime. And in my opinion, this one is way trickier!
Summer absolutely rules. I usually try to swim in the pool just as much as I used to when I was a little girl and pretend I’m a mermaid. But I think we can all agree there’s nothing like a peaceful trip to a beautiful beach. With that being said, there was a never-ending amount of beachy items to use this time around. Read the riddle and get started! Happy hunting!
iHas 2 red lobsters that might just be twins,
and 2 bottles of sunscreen to protect my skin.
iHas 3 mermaids that are not fictitious,
and if you look close iHas 7 silver fishes.
iHas 2 pairs of goggles to look under water,
and iHas a lifesaver ’cause I don’t swim like an otter!
iHas the word S-U-M-M-E-R spelled out in the sand,
and a message in a bottle that finally reached land.
I gathered 11 starfish and a sand dollar for fun,
and an iHasCupquake pin to wear in the sun!
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