Hi, friends! This week I’m not only featuring, but interviewing a spunky, sparkly, gaming gal known to the YouTubes as Kaleidow! I’ve urged you all to check her out before, but this time, I’m bringing you a much more in depth presentation of her background in gaming, her wonderfully wacky hair colors AND of course, what she thinks of Pokemon Go!!!!
CUPQUAKE: How did you initially become interested in video games? When did you realize you were totally hooked and in love with gaming?
KALEIDOW: I remember being 4 years old and begging my cousins to let me play on the Nintendo, I was too young at the time but just watching them play had me totally entranced. A few years later my Mum decided to buy us a PlayStation and ever since I’ve been hooked on all different types of games! My gaming obsession evolved from Spyro to The Sims and more tactical games like Empire Earth which I would “no life” with my little bro for days!
K: It’s simple really! I put together two things I absolutely adore and am inspired by: kaleidoscopes and rainbows! It was originally my MMO gamer-tag and it became apart of my identity over the years.
CQ” You and I both love to have fun with our locks by dying them crazy colors! Where do you get the inspiration for the different colors to keep changing it up? What has been your favorite look so far?
K: Believe it or not but every time I’ve dyed my hair crazy colours I was aiming for a different type of rainbow! My hair is super thick and long and sometimes colours just don’t do what we planned! Through trial and error my hair has come out not looking very rainbow multiple times but still mermaid-esque. I love experimenting with my hair, the more colours the better and my favourite would have to be the rainbow I’m rocking right now.
CQ: You showcase a variety of videos on your channel — from Sims to Minecraft, and the occasional vlog or unboxing. They’re all so lovely and entertaining in such different ways! Which kind do you have the most fun producing?
K: Why thank you! <3 Videos that give back to my viewers are high on my list, my Minecraft series “Pixel Crossing” for example is my current favourite to produce. It’s a Role-Play series, so a lot of time and effort is put into it, but seeing the reaction from viewers makes it all worthwhile! Plus I get to build a lot so I have heaps of fun!
CQ: Which types of videos do you truly enjoy watching across the vast span of YouTube? Any guilty pleasures?
CQ: Who are some of your favorite YouTube personalities out there? Whose videos keep you totally motivated and challenged to make the best content possible?

CQ: Outside of gaming, what are some other passions and hobbies that keep you fulfilled and busy?

CQ: Have you been playing a ton of Pokemon Go lately? What are your thoughts on this amazing new phenomenon?
CQ: What has been the most memorable experience of your YouTube career this far in the game?

The post Kickin’ It With Kaleidow appeared first on iHasCupquake.