Here in the office and in our everyday lives, we accept people for who they are, all of their qualities and characteristics wrapped up into one shiny package deal! I’m sure you can tell by now that the Sweet Friends are a package deal themselves and belong together always. They’re a crazy fun bunch!
Today, on National Friendship Day, we knew it was time to introduce you all to the Ice Pop of the group. Although we aren’t quite ready to reveal her name yet, we absolutely adore Ice Pop, because she is smart and sassy and always wears her heart on her…err…stick?
She’s a complex gal, this Ice Pop, with many sides to her that involve kindness and loyalty, of course, but we need to shower her with compliments — she’s a bit self-conscious. Although she may complain a little bit from time to time (Hey, who doesn’t?) we couldn’t think of any other icy lady we’d like to call our dear friend. She’s a true gem, and she entertains us all the time with her sweet little antics.
Do you have a friend like Ice Pop?! If so, consider yourself lucky! We hope you hugged all of your friends extra tight on this National Friendship Day. We can’t wait to roll out the rest of the Sweet Friends soon, so stay tuned…
<3 Tiff, Red and team!
The post A Sweet Treat For National Friendship Day appeared first on iHasCupquake.